April 1, 2011
[Flash 10 is required to watch video]

You Said WHAT?!

How many times do we have to remind you people that babies have opinions and we want to be heard! I mean, it’s very clear these little guys are in the midst of a serious discussion and I, for one, agree with the one on the left. What, you can’t understand them? Amateurs. 


- Bash N. Poo, Music


The conversation has become a debate, and it rages on…

  1. athenadolina reblogged this from brooklyntwinmama and added:
    I LOVE THIS VIDEO!!! It makes me want to have my own set of twins but alas that time is far away. I will just resort to...
  2. destinyismymiddlename reblogged this from missmanhater
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    Tatata tata ta tatatata. Ta tatata, tata? Tatata, tatata tata.~
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    Tatata tata ta tatatata. Ta tatata, tata? Tatata, tatata tata.~
  7. missmanhater reblogged this from brooklyntwinmama and added:
    Daadad dada da. Da dadada? Dadada dada da.~
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    You Said WHAT?! How many times do we have to remind you people that babies have opinions and we want to be heard! I...
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    They’re adorable!
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    Even though I am not...soccer mom, I am a mom,...this is...
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  26. kelvin-2sita reblogged this from zharena and added:
    This is what Filipina women sound like when they first meet each other after a very long time (e.g., my mom).
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